Resources available for download include 3-photon data sets and software tools.
Data set: near-simultaneous 2- and 3-photon excitation
Takasaki et al. (2020) generated near-simultaneous 2- and 3-photon
fluorescence movies to compare imaging modalities.
Movies are available for download from the CRCNS data sharing site.
GCaMP6s fluorescence.
910 and 1300 nm excitation.
400 x 200 µm field of view.
~3.6 Hz frame rate.
220-650 µm below the pial surface
of mouse primary visual cortex.
Resources available for download include 3-photon data sets and software tools.
Data set: near-simultaneous 2- and 3-photon excitation
Takasaki et al. (2020) generated near-simultaneous 2- and 3-photon
fluorescence movies to compare imaging modalities.
Movies are available for download from the CRCNS data sharing site.
GCaMP6s fluorescence.
910 and 1300 nm excitation.
400 x 200 µm field of view.
~3.6 Hz frame rate.
220-650 µm below the pial surface
of mouse primary visual cortex.
Resources available for download include 3-photon data sets and software tools.
Data set: near-simultaneous 2- and 3-photon excitation
Takasaki et al. (2020) generated near-simultaneous 2- and 3-photon
fluorescence movies to compare imaging modalities.
Movies are available for download from the CRCNS data sharing site.
GCaMP6s fluorescence.
910 and 1300 nm excitation.
400 x 200 µm field of view.
~3.6 Hz frame rate.
220-650 µm below the pial surface
of mouse primary visual cortex.
Resources available for download include 3-photon data sets and software tools.
Data set: near-simultaneous 2- and 3-photon excitation
Takasaki et al. (2020) generated near-simultaneous 2- and 3-photon
fluorescence movies to compare imaging modalities.
Movies are available for download from the CRCNS data sharing site.
GCaMP6s fluorescence.
910 and 1300 nm excitation.
400 x 200 µm field of view.
~3.6 Hz frame rate.
220-650 µm below the pial surface
of mouse primary visual cortex.
Resources available for download include 3-photon data sets and software tools.
Data set: near-simultaneous 2- and 3-photon excitation
Takasaki et al. (2020) generated near-simultaneous 2- and 3-photon
fluorescence movies to compare imaging modalities.
Movies are available for download from the CRCNS data sharing site.
GCaMP6s fluorescence.
910 and 1300 nm excitation.
400 x 200 µm field of view.
~3.6 Hz frame rate.
220-650 µm below the pial surface
of mouse primary visual cortex.
Resources available for download include 3-photon data sets and software tools.
Data set: near-simultaneous 2- and 3-photon excitation
Takasaki et al. (2020) generated near-simultaneous 2- and 3-photon
fluorescence movies to compare imaging modalities.
Movies are available for download from the CRCNS data sharing site.
GCaMP6s fluorescence.
910 and 1300 nm excitation.
400 x 200 µm field of view.
~3.6 Hz frame rate.
220-650 µm below the pial surface
of mouse primary visual cortex.
The resource for 3-photon excitation
What is 3-photon excitation?
In 3-photon excitation, 3 photons are absorbed by a fluorophore molecule. The fluorophore is promoted to an excited state. The absorbed energy is typically lost through radiationless relaxation before decay to the ground state, accompanied by the emission of a photon.
For GFP, excitation may occur through absorption of a blue photon at ~470 nm (linear or single-photon excitation), of two infrared photons at ~910 nm (2-photon excitation), or of three infrared photons at ~1300 nm (3-photon excitation) and fluorescence emission is in the green spectrum at ~510 nm.
Transitions of the fluorophore between energy states are often illustrated schematically with a Jablonski diagram (Jablonski, 1933).
The absorption of a single photon results in a linear relationship between illumination and fluorescence intensities. 2-photon and 3-photon excitation exhibit quadratic and cubic dependence of fluorescence on illumination intensity, respectively. The intrinsic optical sectioning of 2- and 3-photon excitation results from the non-linear relationship between illumination intensity and fluorescence.